Planning ensures that your goals are met.
Risk Management protects your assets.
Portfolios are built with Modern Portfolio Theory.
~ Planning for enough income and assets in retirement?
~ Investing in a Traditional IRA and/or a Traditional Roth IRA?
~ Saving in Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution plans with before-tax dollars and tax-deferred growth?
~ Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid (Long Term Care support) in retirement?
~ Annuities with taxed-deferred savings and income-for-life choices?
~ Strategies for saving/investing for retirement and investing/withdrawing in retirement?
Retirement Planning begins when you contemplate reducing work. You must review how your retirement income will pay your expenses. How does your expected future budget compare to your current budget? Do you need help managing your retirement planning?
Your income producing assets need to cover all retirement expenses. Managing your assets is Asset/Portfolio management. Your Insurance, Tax and Estate plans should also be reviewed.
Congress has defined Qualified retirement plans with special tax treatment. Qualified plans include: IRAs and Roth IRAs, as well as, Defined Contribution plans (401k, 403b, SIMPLE, SEP, KEOGH, Profit Sharing, ESOPs & Money Purchase). All your retirement funds in these plans should be rolled over to a rollover IRA when you leave each of your employers. The advantage to YOU of rolling over these funds to a rollover IRA are threefold; 1) better control, 2) higher returns and 3) lower costs.
Pensions are qualified retirement plans. Pensions are known in the IRS tax code as Defined Benefit plans.
Non-Qualified savings and investment plans do not receive the same tax benefits as qualified plans. Non-Qualified plans include: Savings, Investment portfolios, tax-deferred Annuities, and Deferred Compensation plans. These assets need to be managed differently from qualified plans in order to minimize your tax liabilities.
Strategically, you have the ability to beneficially move your stock holdings from Qualified plans to Non-Qualified plans,
Private / lender Reverse Mortgages , Social Security & Medicare also make up your Retirement safety net.